We are quite thankful that Joyce Wadler mentioned our book in a positive light in her New York Times article of May 14th, "Caught in the Safety Net," in the Home Section. Please see the article at http://www.nytimes.com/2009/05/14/garden/14return.html
However, the article itself is not an accurate portrayal of current trends and feelings among Americans about the return to multigenerational living. We note with great surprise and upset that the online commentary on the article was stifled by the NYT editors - "Comments are no longer being accepted." While the online version of the article includes 5 selected comments of the 75 received before the extraordinary editorial cutoff, it is not easy to find the other 70 comments. To see the other 70 comments - change "SHOW: Editors' Selections" to "SHOW: Newest First." The range of comments better represents the generally positive experiences people are having.